"Christians serving our Neighbors"

Serving City of Ketchikan, Ketchikan Gateway Borough & Saxman
EIN #20-2913418
We always appreciate any support given, here are three ways that you can donate to the services that Love In Action provides to low-income individuals and families in our community.
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You can donate through a Debit or Credit Card through our Pay Pal Account by selecting a button and continuing on through the process.
You can click on the Loaves and Fish Donor card, you can download this jpg, print it, fill it in and sign up to give financially each month through direct deposit.
You can donate by downloading our Closet List that describes the different items we provide.  All these items can be brought to our office at 1216 Tongass Avenue office location.
You may also send a check or money order to us at P.O. Box 6371, Ketchikan, AK  99901